OtherDuel: Optional Rules

It's a bit silly to think about Optional Rules in a mostly untested game, but they are things that either

  1. contradict the rules as written, but might be as good or better way to play the game, and/ or
  2. sound like an idea that could be neat or game-breaking, possibly both.

Bigger is Slower

It can be an interesting game balance that small vehicles are more nimble, while larger ships are more ponderous. One way to implement this into OtherDuel is to require that when Juxtapoints are used, the command must issue from the *same* Juxtapose ComWare, which means that when Juxtapoints are placed far apart, it will neccesarily take a large amount of Pause to execute the move.

Of course, one can also move by a succession of Spins. This can be somewhat balanced by requiring that only one *specific* Spin ComWare be used in any one turn, so if the two Axles are far apart, they require a large amount of Pause to "walk" between the two of them.

Command Module

The Command Module has the special coordinate of (0,0), has 20 volumes, must be placed on the 2-dimesional representation of the Antagonist, and cannot be moved off the board by any means. It can use Independent DefWares, but cannot employ Full-Field DefWares. This generally requires the Command Module to be centrally placed, since if a "hole" is opened up to it, it is left to it's own defense. Also called the "Meaty Center" for this reason.

There are two variants of this rule:

This was actually the original design of OtherDuel, and has the interesting tradeoff that centrally located and well-protected Command Module will take more Pause to execute each action, compared to a Command Module close to the "surface" of the ship, where the action is, with many low-pause actions possible, but at greater risk of a quick death.